3 Tips To Help You Stay on Top of Changing Tray Cleaning

Having a baby is one of life’s many joys, but parents can struggle to keep their baby happy and healthy. One of the most crucial aspects of newborn care is keeping their environment clean, especially the changing tray. Changing trays prop atop a dresser or table or laying on the floor for manageable diaper changes. It’s essential to keep these trays clean, especially in new environments. Follow these three tips to help you stay on top of changing tray cleaning.

Choose the Right Disinfectant

Choosing the best disinfectant for your baby’s changing tray is essential. When searching for disinfectant brands, ensure you buy one that’s safe for babies and contains no harsh chemicals. No disinfectant should go near an infant’s skin or mouth; after washing the tray, ensure it’s dry and has no residue.

Set Up a Cleaning Routine

Setting up a cleaning routine can help you stay on top of many tasks, including cleaning the diaper tray. After every use, clean the tray to prevent germs and bacteria from spreading. Keep disposable wipes or cloths in arm’s reach to make cleaning up after diaper changes easier. Give your tray a deep clean once a week to keep it cleaner.

Keep Extra Covers on Hand

Extra tray covers help keep the baby comfortable and give them a clean place to lie down during changing times. It’s better to have more than one cover to decrease laundry loads and ensure you have one on hand to change out as needed or when an accident occurs.

Keeping your baby’s changing tray clean can be a bit of an added worry in the already stressful life of new parents, but it’s an essential priority in childcare. By following these tips to help you stay on top of changing tray cleaning, you can ensure your baby’s changing tray stays clean and germ-free. Remember, a clean tray guarantees a healthy and happy baby!

Are you getting the nursery set up? Find all the essentials to complete the nursery, including a diaper changing table tray to make even the most challenging diaper changes easier. Prop this tray on a dresser in the nursery, put it on the floor in the living room, or slide it underneath the seat in the car for convenient portability. Our furniture is made to last and grow with your baby. Let’s craft the room meant for your child!

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