4 Tips to Feng Shui the Baby Nursery

Feng shui’s a popular style that began in China. The Chinese design implemented form in a room—in other words, this design sought out stability and serenity. These two things go hand in hand in spaces you want to relax in, and they’re highly desirable in an at-home nursery. Here are tips to feng shui your child’s room.

The Nursery’s All About Senses

Children experience their senses in many ways. Even though it may traditionally start in the classroom, it’s never too early to expose kids to their surroundings in deeper ways. The first exposure to senses is touch and sight.

Add soft and firm materials, such as blankets, stuffed animals, or books with fur on the covers, for the touch aspect. Having children’s books with different animals and their hair types lets children see how a cow feels compared to a puppy. As for sight, you could add fun pictures that get their attention.

Add in Better Organizational Methods

Clutter-free doesn’t mean installing just any organizational system, but something that works and grows with your little one. It’s easy to achieve better organization with the correct methods. Pick smaller furniture first—smaller stuff adds more storage solutions than bulkier items.

If you spend a large part of the day or night in your child’s room, having a small side table for the nursery adds more space to set down your and your baby’s essentials. Don’t let the organization go unnoted—it’s the soul of feng shui. Add in furniture that’s small but provides storage, like invisible wall shelving, a closet organization system, and at least two side tables.

Think About Color Psychology When Selecting Palettes

Many people assume that the colors used in traditional feng shui are neutral tones, but it’s blue and black. These are two of the colors used to represent the water element. Since the water element’s a natural earthly compound, it makes sense to incorporate the colors into the nursery.

However, this is where you’d think about color psychology. Color psychology is pivotal in feng shui, as it promotes peace. Think about the mood you’d want to incorporate into the room’s design before creating a color palette.

Go for Organic Nursery Furniture

The last thing to do is go for organic nursery furniture. Something made from plastic contains harmful chemicals that produce a foul smell as the years progress. Instead of using plastic, opt for natural wooden furniture that lasts for years. Organic furniture helps create the ultimate feng shui nursery. Choosing natural furniture is the primary tip to making a peaceful and balanced room.

It’s essential to practice mindful thinking when purchasing furniture for your infant. Simply Nursery makes it easier for parents to buy sustainable furniture that grows with their children and makes the environment feel better. Our shop provides your family with high-quality wood furniture from reclaimed Brazilian forests. Shop with us today to find out the benefits of wooden nursery furniture.

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